
Account Bandwidth Usage Monitoring

Monitoring account bandwidth usage is essential for ensuring that websites and applications stay within allocated limits. WHM cPanel provides tools to track and manage bandwidth usage effectively. This knowledge base offers comprehensive information on monitoring account bandwidth usage in WHM cPanel.

Understanding Bandwidth Usage

What is Bandwidth?

Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network within a specific period.

Importance of Bandwidth Usage Monitoring

  1. Preventing Overages: Monitoring bandwidth helps prevent exceeding allocated limits, which could lead to extra charges or service disruptions.

  2. Optimizing Performance: Understanding bandwidth usage patterns can lead to better optimization of websites and applications.

WHM cPanel Tools for Bandwidth Usage Monitoring

1. Account Information

The Account Information section in WHM provides an overview of bandwidth usage for all accounts.

2. Bandwidth Configuration

The Bandwidth Configuration tool allows you to adjust bandwidth settings and limits for accounts.

Monitoring Account Bandwidth Usage

Step 1: Log in to WHM

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to your WHM login page (usually

  2. Enter your WHM username and password.

Step 2: Access Account Information

  1. In WHM, navigate to Home > Account Information > List Accounts.

  2. Find the account for which you want to monitor bandwidth usage.

Step 3: View Bandwidth Usage

  1. Locate the account in the list and click on the + icon to expand details.

  2. Under the "Resource Usage" section, you will find information about bandwidth usage.

Step 4: Set Bandwidth Alerts (Optional)

  1. In WHM, navigate to Home > Server Contacts or use the search bar to find Contact Manager.

  2. Click on Contact Manager.

  3. Add a new contact or edit an existing one, and check the box for "Bandwidth Usage" to receive alerts.

Step 5: Review Bandwidth Configuration (Optional)

  1. In WHM, navigate to Home > Server Configuration > Tweak Settings.

  2. Click on the Stats and Logs tab.

  3. Review and adjust bandwidth-related settings as needed.

Step 6: Set Bandwidth Limits (Optional)

  1. In WHM, navigate to Home > Server Configuration > Bandwidth Limiting.

  2. Choose the domains you want to set bandwidth limits for.

  3. Specify the limits and click Save.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

1. Incorrect Contact Information

  • Cause: Incorrectly entered contact information may lead to failed notifications.

  • Solution: Verify that the contact information is accurate and properly formatted.

2. Exceeding Bandwidth Limits

  • Cause: Heavy traffic or unexpected spikes in usage can lead to exceeding allocated limits.

  • Solution: Consider upgrading the hosting plan or optimizing the website/application.

3. Bandwidth Miscalculations

  • Cause: Inaccurate server configurations or monitoring tools can lead to incorrect bandwidth usage reports.

  • Solution: Review configurations and consider using reliable monitoring tools.

Best Practices for Bandwidth Usage Monitoring

  1. Regular Reviews: Periodically review bandwidth usage reports to identify any trends or unusual spikes.

  2. Set Realistic Limits: Allocate sufficient bandwidth to accounts based on their expected traffic and usage patterns.

  3. Educate Users: Provide clients with information on monitoring their own bandwidth usage to promote responsible usage.


Monitoring account bandwidth usage is crucial for ensuring that websites and applications operate within allocated limits. By following the guidelines provided in this knowledge base, you can efficiently monitor account bandwidth usage in WHM cPanel. Regular reviews, setting alerts, and best practices will help ensure that accounts stay within their bandwidth limits.

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